A new series titled Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar is making its way to Disney+ Hotstar, bringing a unique love story to audiences. Directed by Shraddha Pasi Jayarath, the series is expected to be an intense journey through young love, heartbreak, and social conflict. Featuring Dhaval Thakur and Sanchita Basu in their first major roles, the show centres around two teenagers from different backgrounds who find themselves separated by societal barriers. Set in Uttar Pradesh, the storyline is said to capture both the romantic and emotional struggles of the lead characters.
When and Where to Watch Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar
The series will premiere on Disney Hotstar, with streaming set to start on November 22, 2024. The OTT platform revealed the streaming date on its official X handle. This highly anticipated series aims to appeal to fans of dramatic love stories with a modern twist, promising an intense mix of romance, betrayal, and revenge.
Official Trailer and Plot of Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar
The trailer, now available on Disney Hotstar, has already sparked curiosity. It showcases the beginning of young love between Kuldeep (played by Dhaval Thakur) and Shanvika (played by Sanchita Basu), who meet on their way to school. Despite their close bond, differences in their caste and class create obstacles they cannot ignore. The trailer hints at Shanvika’s bold approach, as she openly confesses her feelings to Kuldeep, setting the tone for the relationship’s intense journey. Scenes of affection, including a brief kiss between the two, suggest the story’s realistic and modern portrayal of teenage relationships.
Cast and Crew of Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar
The series is led by new talents Dhaval Thakur and Sanchita Basu, both of whom share their experiences about taking on such emotionally demanding roles. Dhaval explained how he immersed himself in his character, Kuldeep, to understand his struggles, while Sanchita expressed her enjoyment in portraying the carefree yet passionate Shanvika. The show is produced by Bombay Show Studios LLP, with Shraddha Pasi Jayarath as the director.