This is your brain on drugs. These are two brains on identity politics run wild.

A 2019 Kamala Harris Tweet about actor Jussie Smollett’s alleged assault speaks of their mutual enablement as users.

.@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery.

This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 29, 2019

Harris suggested she knows Smollett and that he suffered a “modern day lynching.” She publicly drank in his ordeal.

Perhaps that post is still up to avoid the attention that taking it down would draw.

Smollett’s “attack” on that cold Chicago night was brought on by his imagination, according to local police. Evidence led to his conviction on five counts of disorderly conduct. He was found guilty of paying for street acting and props that simulated an assault. He also lied to the Chicago Police Department.

The judge reprimanded Smollett for causing social harm.

Of course, the media initially boosted the hoax, running with the “MAGA Country” attack line. Was believing a fake narrative something new in Harris’ career, or was she primed to draw false conclusions from enacted scripts?

When the 1986 Howard University graduate received the benefit of the Hastings’ Legal Educational Opportunity Program, did she believe her background, which included being raised by university professors, was “adverse” among Americans as claimed by the program?

When Harris was an assistant District Attorney in Oakland dating the California Speaker of the State Assembly, Willie Brown, did she believe that, out of all the qualified professionals in California, she merited two statewide appointments by Brown?

Brown has admitted the facts of their relationship and acknowledged it influenced Harris’ career trajectory. Does Harris believe that those resume-building state government appointments were based in integrity, as she subsequently became San Francisco District Attorney, leapfrogged to California Attorney General and glided to election as a California Senator?

These examples reveal a mindset awash in unrealities that reinforce themselves in her role. She gives amplification to lies, and the world is further divided between like-minded tools that accede to her increases in power–and everyone else.

There’s rarely an easy way to help such mindsets see the truth. Even this summer, Smollett has declared:

Sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and let everybody think that you’re crazy, that you’re shady, that you’re a fraud, whatever they’re going to think. And then they’ll figure it out. They’ll figure it out because I can’t sit here forever trying to explain….

There are so many things on the opposite side that are intentionally trying to devalue us. We must be intentional with our Blackness. We must be intentional with our queerness. We must be intentional with our Black queerness.

Smollett says he’s going to keep explaining what happened until we get him, and Harris appears willing to believe whatever the activist-actor says.

Hoaxes set us back, whether they’re about street violence, “hate speech,” the legality of making you shut down your own business, a so-called “wage gap” or other misdirections.

If there’s a difference between Smollett and Harris, it’s that federal police might sniff out something wrong if Harris perpetrated a hoax herself.

The post Kamala Harris and Jussie Smollett – DEI in Motion? appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.


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