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How to Nap at Work (and Get Away with It)

Studies have shown that napping improves both cognitive performance and physical brain health, so it’s no surprise that it also means a brief nap translates to a boost in productivity on the job. That explains why nearly half of workers in the U.S. sleep during work hours—and a third admit to literally sleeping on the job.

Our employers, however, haven’t gotten the memo, and being caught sleeping on the job can put you in a tricky situation. If you’re stuck between nodding off in meetings or being fired when you’re discovered sprawled under your desk, you need a napping strategy at work. Here’s your guide to sawing some logs on the clock (without getting caught).

Before we get into strategy, though, the first rule of napping on the job is to educate yourself:

Now that you have some basic physical stuff nailed down, you just need to figure out where you can grab a power nap without getting fired.

Strategies for napping at work

If your employer isn’t keen on paying you to sleep (even for half an hour), you’ll need to find a way to nod off without being noticed. The key is not being noticed while you’re napping, so you need to scout locations. Depending on the specifics of your job, you have a few options:

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