The first teaser for “Happy Gilmore 2” was just that.
We saw a now-bearded Happy squaring off against his old foe Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald). The mad golfer also shares a buss with Julie Bowen, his main squeeze from the original film.
And that was it. They don’t call it a teaser for nothing.
The first “Happy Gilmore 2” trailer arrived today, and we’re still looking for something crucial to the franchise’s brand.
There’s little to indicate the 1996 original was a beloved part of Sandler’s canon. Is there a single laugh in this clip?
Does Sandler and company even try?
Happy compares a bust of himself to SpongeBob SquarePants and we see an old man fondle his nipples.
Did we wait 29 years for this? The trailer does cue up a potentially big laugh but can’t commit to the bit.
“I guess I need to update my Happy Place to something more age-appropriate,” Sandler’s character says, closing his eyes before a drive.
And then … nothing. Or, at least nothing comical. It’s the perfect chance to show an older Happy retaining his ageless persona.
Or not, apparently.
The clip ends with Happy blasting a hole in a bar’s driving range simulator’s screen. That’s the big payoff?
Sandler’s film career remains a curiosity. He’s earned raves, and deservedly so, for dramatic turns in films like “Uncut Gems” and “Punch-Drunk Love.” Comedies like “Grown Ups” and “The Wedding Singer” earned big bucks at the box office.
Yet for every “Billy Madison” there are misfires like “Pixels,” “Just Go With It,” “That’s My Boy” and “Little Nicky.”
Trailers can be tricky. Some comedies can’t fully capture the laughs in play in that shortened time frame. Others reveal all the big laughs in that teaser time, leaving audiences adrift during the actual film.
Where does “Happy Gilmore 2” fall in that continuum? We’ll find out July 25 when the film debuts exclusively on Netflix.
The post Guess What’s Missing from ‘Happy Gilmore 2’ Trailer? appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.